"High levels of lead have been found in the water fountains of several elementary schools in Albany.
The school district says the discovery was made during last month's testing of 400 faucets and fixtures.
Those drinking fountains were immediately taken out of service. They're being repaired and will be tested again before being turned back on.
Schools with the faulty fixtures include School 19, TOAST, Giffen Elementary, Arbor Hill Elementary, North Albany Academy and Pine Hills Elementary School.3
see video

What they don't say is it's actually lead in the water supply. This makes it look like the fountain is the problem. (good thing that's a Sunroc fountain).
Do you think this will impact what you do as a rep in the field? Will you have to work extra hard?
I'm amazed that they said the school just opened in January. They are probably getting lead leaching from the piping system for the water. The same thing happened in Washington State a few years ago, they blamed the fountians but found out it was deaper in the wall where the problem occured. I can't imagine any fountain manufacturer would entertain the possibility of having any lead leaching.
Are they really trying to blame the drinking fountain for this?
You would think the media would focus on the water supplied to the fixtures more than the fixtures themselves.
No real problems with lead in our territory. Normally lead leaching comes from water being in contact with the material for long periods of time and of course, the material would need to have lead in it like old brass or solder
Here we go again...the finger of guilt gets pointed at the end point of the water supply rather than exploring the cause of lead leaching at throughout the water supply system.
There are countless cities around the United States that still maintain LEAD PIPE that feeds the potable water supply. If the school districts' wish to blame the fountains and faucets as the sole source of a lead leaching problem, well...fine...happy to sell them new fountains and faucets. However, the lead issue will remain unresolved.
With regard to this being any more work as a field rep: Not really. Large and medium size school districts are already a part of of standard sales calls. However, admittedly, the smaller districts would require extra time
Sounds like a great oppurtunity not only to replace these units, but now we have their undivided attention - get Haws in the specs
Good words.
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